Aaron Katersky is ABC News’ award-winning senior investigative reporter and correspondent. His reporting can be heard on ABC News Radio and seen across all ABC News platforms, including Good Morning America, World News Tonight, Nightline, 20/20 and ABC News Live.
His voice has become synonymous with some of the most important domestic and international breaking news events in recent history. As ABC News Radio’s special events anchor, Katersky has lead the network’s coverage of everything from mass shootings and hurricanes to royal weddings and the election of presidents since 2004.
Katersky’s war zone assignments began in Iraq in 2003 when he embedded with the Marines. He’s since made numerous trips to Baghdad and Afghanistan and has been on the front lines covering conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. In his nearly two decades with ABC News, Katersky has reported everywhere from Tahrir Square for the historic Arab Spring to Rome for the selection of Pope Benedict and the beatification of Pope John Paul II.
Closer to home, Katersky has been ABC News Radio’s leading voice for political coverage, anchoring from conventions, debates and inaugurations. He has covered the elections of George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, the Mueller report and the impeachment hearings.
Katersky’s deep sourcing in the law enforcement and legal communities has helped ABC News break numerous stories about terrorism, Harvey Weinstein and the college admissions cheating scheme.
He is the recipient of numerous Edward R. Murrow awards and Emmy awards.
Katersky lives in New York with his wife and daughter.